If you have plans to obtain a loan, one should make sure they have relevant documents that act as proof of income. Many people don’t understand the importance of having proof of income when applying for a loan, and in this guide, we are going to help you discover more about these documents and reasons why you should have them. These documents are essential if you are obtaining a loan from a financial institution near you. The main reasons why lenders require proof of income is to be certain they will get a return on their investment. This article has outlined the various documents one can use as proof of income, check it out!
The first document is pay stubs. The only way to prove you are employed is by providing pay stubs to the lender and depending on your income; one can obtain a high loan amount. No lending institution will deny you a loan as long as you present a pay stub as this is proof you have a steady source of income and in a position to make periodical repayments. Pay stubs are vital but if you do not have them as you are not employed, read more to learn more about other documents you can use. The other document one should have when, or one that can act on behalf of pay stubs is a bank statement. Having a bank statement at hand is proof that you have a source of income and increases the lenders confidence in offering you the loan. There are various sources one can obtain a bank statement from, but we urge that you visit your bank and ask for a copy as this is simple and fast. A comprehensive bank statement will show all transactions you have been executing in the past days or months, and this will offer the lender confidence you can rely upon. Most lenders rely on the bank statement when providing loans. Learn more info. on how to get a loan easily.
The third document one can use as proof they have an income is a letter from your employer. If you are employed, your employer can write you a recommendation letter to act as proof you are part of their team. Once the letter is ready, you are expected to present it to the lender.
If you do not have a pay stub because you are employed, one can create documents that will act as proof they are employed. Only create a document that your lender will accept and to be sure of this, you can consult them in advance and explain the nature of your business and let them guide you on how to create the document.